
Ms. Amala Linus

  • Presented a paper titled “ A Review on Multi Objective Optimization & its Techniques” in the Conference on Mathematics for Data Science and Dynamics(ICMDD 2024) organized by the Department of Mathematics, RSET and CETA on February 1, 2024.

Ms. Amrutha Antony

  • A Futuristic Perspective of Fintech Products in Payment Verticals, paper published in the ICSSR Sponsored International seminar on Digital innovation in business and Finance organized by Bhrata Mata college Thrikkakara. ISBN: -978-81-962550-3
  • Fintech Enterprises: Trends and Prospects of Digital payment in the Future, paper published in a book of ACADEMICS a Tool for sustainable development. ISBN:978-81-963189.
  • Impact of covid -19 pandemic on E-commerce Business in Kerala, paper published in the JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY CYCLE RESEARCH. ISSN: 0022-1945
  • Paper presented on A study on Role of Risk Management in Field of Business at the National seminar on ‘‘Recent trends in capital market and its effect on commerce, industry&economy of India, organized by st.paul’s college kalammassery and Kerala management association.
  • Paper presented on A study on the customer perception of E-banking Services in Federal Bank ltd, business at the national conference on Innovation in banking for future growth organized by Amrita school of Arts and sciences, Kochi.
  • Paper presented on A study on Tax planning Measures for Individual Assesses at the national seminar on Recent trends in accounting and Taxation organized by Mar Athanasius college, kothamangalam.

Ms. Anna George

  • Artificial Intelligence – The Future of AI in Education, RCMAS, ISBN: 9788196567552, 2023.
  • A Study on Work-Life Quality of Female Domestic Workers, An International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 6, Issue No.1, Impact Factor: 9.24, E-ISSN: 2582-2160, 2024.
  • An Exploratory Study on Teacher’s Perceptions of AI and their Readiness for Adoption, Karpagam Publications, Coimbatore, ISBN: 9789395898577, 2024.

Ms. Anupa Stanly

  • Book: The Insurtech Revolution: Innovations Driving Insurance Transformation,
  • Book chapter: Autonomous Systems Revolutionizing Health Insurance Industry: Achieving Operational Excellence in Services in the book Modeling, Simulation, and Control of AI Robotics and Autonomous Systems (IGI GLOBAL Publications)
  • Paper titled “Unlocking The Potential: Enhancing Insurtech Innovation
  • and Efficiency with a Data Analytics Approach” submitted for presentation at ICDAM International Conference 2024 has been selected for publication in Elsevier SSRN Series

Ms. Aquina Joseph

  • A Study on Factors Affecting Customers Investment Towards Life Insurance Policies with Special Reference with Ernakulam District- IRE Journals Volume 6 Issue 4 Oct 2022

Mr. Ashish C Pius

  • Revealing The Indian Insurance Repository System: A Turning Point Towards Customer-Centricity. Migration Letters, 2024.
  • Operational Mechanism and Services of Neo Banks in India. In Digitalization of The Indian Financial Sector, 2023.
  • Operational Mechanism of Repository System on Indian Insurance Industry. In Digitalization Insurance Industry, 2023.
  • A Study on The Growth and Operational Mechanism of Neo Banks in India. Journal Of Fundamental & Comparative Research, 2021.
  • A Study on The Growth of The Takaful Insurance System (Islamic Insurance) In Select Countries. Utkal Historical Research Journal, 2021.
  • A Study on The Impact of Market Orientation Strategies in The Performance of State Bank of India. Journal Of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 2020.
  • A Study on The User Acceptance of Kochi 1 Card. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 2020.
  • A Study on The Scope of Repository System in Insurance Industry In India. International Journal Research in Computer Application & Management, 2019.
  • A Study on Investors’ Perception Towards Online Trading. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2019.
  • A Study on Bank Employees Perception to Bancassurance. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2019.
  • A Study on Impact of Blue Ocean Strategy Adopted by Tata Motors with Special Reference to Tata Nano. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2019.
  • Impact Of Celebrity Endorsement on Brand Image: A Study on Cosmetic Industry. International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, 2019.
  • A Study on The Women Empowerment Through Direct Marketing in Mi Lifestyle Marketing Global Private Limited, Maradu, Ernakulam. International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, 2019.
  • A Study on Organizational Commitment and Professional Commitment Impacting Job Satisfaction of The Employees in The Educational Institutions. International Journal in Commerce, IT, And Social Sciences, 2019.
  • A Study on Impact of Work Life Balance on Employee Productivity Among Banking Employees in Ernakulum. International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, 2019.
  • A Study on Impact of Transportation Network Companies on Buying Behaviour of Millennials Towards Automobile Sector. International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, 2019.
  • A Study on Effectiveness of Employee Branding in Banking Industry in India. International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, 2019.
  • A Study on The Relationship Between Economic Value Added and Profitability Measures with Reference to Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited, Kochi. International Research Journal of Commerce and Law, 2019.
  • Capital Market and Investment Management. Pratibha Publication, 2017.

Ms. Aswathy K.M

  • “Open Banking – Revolutionary in the Indian Banking Ecosystem,” Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 16, No.1 (IV), January-March 2022, ISSN: 2229-5348, UGC CARE list group 1.
  • Presented at the Two-day International Conference on Digital Transformation in Banking & Finance organized by Bishop Herber College, Tiruchirappalli. Title: “Open Banking – Revolutionary in the Indian Banking Ecosystem.”
  • Presented “The Role of AT-PD were D Chatbots – Next Level of Banking?” at the National Conference on Future Landscape of Sustainable Business Practices in AI World on 25th & 26th April 2024, organized by the Department of Management Studies, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai.

Ms. Bridin Rocha

  • “A study on the relationship between economic value added and profitability measures with reference to Hindustan organic chemicals limited, Kochi” Published in International Journal of multi-dimensional research ; ISSN: 2349-705X , Vol 6Issue 12 Dec 2019.
  • “A study on the empowerment through direct marketing in MI life style marketing global limited, maraud Ernakulam” Published in International Journal of multi-dimensional research; ISSN: 2349-705X , Vol 6 Issue 11 Nov 2019.
  • “A study on impact of blue ocean strategy adopted by TATA motors with special reference to Tata Nano” Published in International journal of management and commerce innovations; ISSN: 2349-705X , Vol 7 Issue 2 Nov 2019
  • Presented a paper on the topic “Perception of Toiling Class towards Micro life Insurances with special reference to Ernakulam District” at 4th International paper presentation conducted by KM Mani Centre for Budget Research college,Kottayam.

Ms. Diana Joseph

  • Paper published in South Indian Journal of Social Sciences(UGC CARE approved) on Impact of GST on various sectors of Indian Economy; Vol XXI, No.6 January – June 2023
  • Paper published in NIU International Journal of Human Rights on Customer and restaurant satisfaction of online food delivery applications with reference to cochin city; Vol.08, issue 06.2021

Dr Ann Mary Jones

  • A Study on Contract Farming: A Strategic Tool for Women Empowerment in Kerala”, Madhya Bharti (: ISSN 0974-0066 with IF=6.28, Vol. 82, No. 21, July -December: 2022.
  • Contract farming in Thrissur: Linking Medicinal Plant for Better Rural Sustainable Livelihood and Economic Development- “International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research”, Vol 15, 2017 (ISSN: 0972-7302).
  • A conceptual model for digitalizing farming of medicinal plant sector in Kerala, Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship,(Vol. 16, No.3,ISSN: 2229-5348),Pg no:36-41.
  • Contract farming in sustainability of medicinal plants in India: Review article – “International Journal of Economic Research”, Vol 14, 2017 (ISSN: 0972-9380).
  • A Study on Work Life Balance of Women Professionals in Kerala– “International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 2016 (ISSN No: 0972- 7302).
  • A Study on The Effectiveness of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana with Reference to Chirakkadavu Grama Panchayat in a peer reviewed journal – “International journal of scientific research”, 2016 (ISSN No: 2277- 8179.
  • Published book on “Financial Management”, Nitya Publication, 2022, ISBN- 978-93-91257-21-7.

Dr. Ajosh George

  • Revealing The Indian Insurance Repository System: A Turning Point Towards Customer-Centricity. Migration Letters, 2024.
  • Bridging Data Streams: The Future of Risk Management with Health and Life Insurance Integration in India.
  • Insuring the Future: A Bibliometric Analysis of Blockchain and AI Integration.

Dr. Chandralal VS

  • Bahu ayami vykthikthv ke Dhani Dr Gopal rai
  • vyngy ke parivarthankari rachanakar Harisankar parsai

Dr. Seethalekshmy C

  • The Impact of Auction Price, Inflation, And Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Indian Tea Export Prices – UGC Care List (Group -II) SCOPUS – ISSN: 2197-5523 – Journal of Nambian Studies – 2023 -ELSEVIER -Q2
  • Impact of the Tea Development and Promotion (TDP) Scheme on India’s Tea Industry UGC Care List (Group -II) SCOPUS – Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology ISSN: 1001-4055 – 2023 – ELSEVIER -Q3.
  • Pricing Strategy of Indian Tea Exports: Unit Price & Key Indicators: UGC Care List (Group – I)- ISSN (2320 -7876) – International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences -2022
  • Growth And Present Export Status of India’s Tea Industry in The International Market. UGC Care List (Group -I)- ISSN (2320 -7876) – International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences- 2021
  • Impact of Covid-19 on MSME – The stressed Organization & The New Normalcy UGC Care List (Group -I) ISSN 2277- 5730. -2020
  • The Perception towards Transition to IFRS Convergence in India and its Benefits. UGC Care List (Group -II) SCOPUS- International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation – ISSN: 1475-7192 – 2019
  • Sector wise Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in India. (UGC Care List (Group -I) -ISSN (0474-9030 -Our Heritage Journal) -2019
  • Empirical Study on Attitude and Perception of Investors towards Mutual Funds. -UGC Care List (Group -I) -ISSN 0474-9030 -Our Heritage Journal – 2019
  • Recent Developments in FDI: An Overview.
  • Recent Developments on FDI Inflow in India- Best Paper Award Winner Marian Institute of Management, Kuttikkanam
  • The Role of International Trade as a Tool for economic empowerment of women in India.
  • A Study on India’s Foreign Trade with SAARC Countries: Special Reference to SAFTA.
  • A study on India’s Trade with SAARC Countries.
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development.

Ms. Elsa Jacob

  • Research paper on “Job Hopping among employees in Cochin city” in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,ISSN:2320-2882,volume 6 Issue 2 April 2018(UGC approved journal with impact factor 5.97).
  • Article on “Digital Banking and its impact on Indian Economy” in World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary research and development ,ISSN: 2454-6615,volume 4 Issue 4,April 2018(UGC approved journal with impact factor 4.25).
  • Article on “GST a Boom for Indian economy” in International Research Journal of Management and Commerce ,ISSN:2348-9766,volume 5,issue 4,April 2018(Double blinded peer review journal with impact factor 5.564).
  • Research paper on “Perception and buying behaviour among consumers in Cochin towards Organic fruits and vegetables in International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing,ISSN:2250-1371,volume 7,issue 6,June 2017(Peer reviewed open access journal with impact factor 5.611).
  • Book Chapter on ‘Social Finance & Social Stock Exchanges’ in ISBN Edited book(ISBN No:978-81-973085-4-3) Shodhkaveri: Global Academic Practices of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.

Ms. Jesmi Jacob

  • Published article on ‘The Juxtaposing Boundaries of Crime and Censorship in Cyberspace’ in International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, UGC CARE Journal
  • Published ‘Internet Freedom: Issues and Challenges in Cyberspace’ in Edited Book, SILT Kottayam; Freedom as A Right: The New Perspectives
  • Presented paper on ‘The conundrum of copyright protection and internet censorship in cyberspace’ and attended the International Conference on Balancing Intellectual Property Laws, maintaining incentives and ensuring access at VIT Chennai.

Ms. Maria Athira Shalet

  • Comparative Analysis Of The Working Capital Position Of The Federal Bank Ltd And The South Indian Bank Ltd (May 2016)
  • A Study On The User Acceptance Of Kochi 1 Card (June 2020)
  • Customer Satisfaction Analysis On Services Of Kochi Metro (February 2021)
  • A Study On The Customer Perception Of Neo-Banks In Kerala (October 2021)
  • A Study On Awareness And User Acceptance Of Neo Banks In Kerala (Conference Proceeding, March 2023)

Ms. Mariya Paul

  • A study on Barriers encountered by SME Entrepreneurship, Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Orientation, Drivers and Dampeners of business Innovation (book chapters)
  • Dampeners of Business Innovation among Women Agripreneurs

Ms. Mary Antony

  • A study on the Economic Value Added and Profitability Measures with Reference to Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd, Kochi – Published in the International Research Journal of Commerce and Law Vol. 6 Issue12, December 2019ISSN:2349-705X Impact Factor:5.486.
  • A study on Customer Perception Towards Chat Bots-, Organized by AMET Business School, Chennai
  • Study on Problems Faced by Student Entrepreneurs, National level conference on Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education.
  • A study on the need of Fostering an Enable Environment for Women Entrepreneurial Development., Proceedings of the National Level Student seminar , Conference proceedings page 551, ISBN 978-93-95898-57-7.
  • A study on Customer Awareness on Technological Innovations in Banking Sector, International Conference on Future of Work: Global Perspective on Commerce and Management Strategies.
  • A study on Awareness of Razorpay Services, National Conference on “Entrepreneurship For An Amenable, Resilient And Sustainable Future”
  • Book publication: ” Essentials of Logistics Management” ISBN: 978-81-965675-2-1

Ms. Merleena Antony

  • Authored a book titled “Goods and Services Tax” (ISBN : 978-81-970950-1-6), June 2024
  • Published a book chapter titled “A study on assessment of Online Teaching” (ISBN : 978-93-89875-73-7), November 2020
  • Published an article titled “A study on impact of Reliance Jio’s launch offer on customer base of other mobile service providers”in the conference proceedings of NCNPBM 2017 held at SMS, CUSAT , April 2017.

Ms. Nidhi Varghese

  • Tech trends in core banking and customer satisfaction (Strategic Business Decisions for Sustainable Development E-ISBN:978-81-946660-4-2)
  • The Grey Digital Divide and Financial Inclusion (2nd Annual International Conference on Digital Transformation For Business Sustainability)
  • The involvement of green banking in protecting the environment (3rd International Conference -MASK )

Ms. Reshma Prasad

  • International Journal of all research education & scientific method
  • ISSIN NO:2455-6211,Volume 10, Issue 4:(2022)
  • The impact of post moratorium micro credit repayment on low-income households in Kerala

Ms. Veena Renjini S

  • Paper published in South Indian Journal of Social Sciences (UGC CARE approved) on Impact of GST on various sectors of Indian Economy; Vol XXI, No.6 January – June 2023
  • Paper published in Tathapi (UGC CARE approved) on E-Waste and Health hazards; Vol.19, issue 36. June 2020
  • Paper published in IJESC (International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing) on Influence of E-shopping among the people with special refernce to cochin city; Vol.06, issue 06. June 2016
  • Paper published in NIU International Journal of Human Rights on Customer and restaurant satisfaction of online food delivery applications with reference to cochin city; Vol.08, issue 06.2021

Ms. Vinitha Varghese

  • Presented a paper titled “A Review on Applications of Probability Density Functions in Wind Speed Modeling” at the Conference on Mathematics for Data Science and Dynamics (ICMDD 2024) organized by the Department of Mathematics, RSET and CETA on February 1, 2024.
  • Presented a paper entitled ‘A Study on Fuzzy Inner Product Space’ at the National Conference on ‘Recent trends in Fuzzy Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics held at PSG College, Coimbatore.

Student Publications

Ms. Diya Akbar (B. Com Model 1 Computer 2019-2022 batch)

Presented a paper on “A study on impact of consumer psychology in e-commerce” conducted by Research and Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Bharat Matha College.
Presented a paper titled “A study on the impact of Covid 19 in the recent business organized by Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College, Chalakudy.
Presented a paper titled “A study on the changing phase of Tradetech: A glimpse of Industrialization 4.0” at the 12th Annual International Research Conference organized by Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies.

Mr. Boby Abraham (M. Com 2021-23 batch)
Presented a paper titled “A study on the impact of social media influencers on buying behavior” organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education.

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