Holigarna longifolia Wight & Arn
Holigarna racemosa Hohen. ex. Engl.
Systematic Position
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Angiosperms
Order: Sapindales
Family: Anacardiaceae
Native: Indian subcontinent
Common Names
English – Black varnish tree, Malabar marking nut
Malayalam – ചേര് , കരിഞ്ചേര്
It is a tropical tree native to South Asia, particularly India and Sri Lanka,
known for its large size and attractive evergreen foliage, featuring glossy, dark green leaves
and clusters of small, greenish-yellow flowers, with its wood valued for its durability and
used in construction and furniture making, while its seeds have been utilized in traditional
medicine for various purposes. The sap from the bark of this tree causes skin burn and itching
and causes allergic reactions.
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and evergreen forests, also in the plains
Distribution: Southern Western Ghats.
Uses: It is used in the treatment of inflammation, arthritis, haemorrhoids, obesity, tumour,
cancer, and skin diseases. Wood is light grey, soft, light, used to prepare packing cases, cigar
cases, boats, dugouts, bullock carts, matchboxes and splints and pencils. All parts of the tree
yield a black, caustic, resinous juice which is used as a varnish and for water proofing boats
and furniture. It is also used for fixing indelible black patterns on linen and cotton cloth. The
black caustic juice can be used as varnish.
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